New offerings always coming
Keep up to date with all of my upcoming events
Events and tickets can be found here>
Sacred Heart Opening
I have been working with cacao a number of years now, and in a number of ways. these days I take a much more inclusive and community approach.
Truly honouring cacao and our gathering in an equalitarian context as well as including what I might offer to that circle.
We are all truly amazing in many different ways and I love exploring that as part of a relatively small and intimate group, often around a fire when possible.
Workshops & Ceremonies
Ceremonies & Retreats
Heartfelt Offerings
I am truly blessed to have been invited to hold space in a variety of ways and locations. Ever evolving.
Full Circle
Contact me for further details
Ceremonies & Treatment Plans
I am rightfully in awe of beautiful Mother Earth, the beautiful unique gifts we all have, and our undeniable connection to everything on an energetic level.
Plants can teach & remind us of so much, help heal our pain and support our growth.
If youd like to know more about plant medicine and consciousness, get in touch.