During my much needed initial journey to Peru and to sit with Ayahuasca, part of my healing was the realisation of my souls purpose and human desire to help other people. When I look back through my life, I have always had deep empathy for anyone struggling, always held out a hand of friendship. During my visions it all became so obvious in many ways along with the knowledge and self belief that I’d be a good Chanel for healing others.
When I came back from the first trip to the Jungle, the very first thing I did was to learn reiki, shortly followed by purchasing my first flute having fallen in love with that sound in ceremony. I love reiki, and it still has its place amongst all that I offer now, but it was for me the perfect stepping stone towards what truly resonates deep inside of me, Shamanism. I have the most amazing teacher and the most extensive, in depth course that I finish this year.
It’s funny really, I’ve been journeying all my life, everything I have ever done has led me to this point and I am delighted to offer the following - 
You're welcome to contact me on 07882652956, use any of my social links at the bottom of the website or email.
My appointments are an hour and a half and include more than one of the following, which we discuss before the healing takes place. It’s all very relaxed and very beautiful.

Energy shifts

Sound including 

singing bowls, flute, drumvoice 

Shamanic healing including

    Past life clearance  
    Soul retrieval 
    Chakra upgrades
    Psychic surgery
    Entity removal
    DNA healing
    Each healing is £50